6.1 Available Advanced Effluent Treatment Technologies - Humanitarian Sanitation Hub

6.1 Available Advanced Effluent Treatment Technologies

In 2011, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation launched the Reinvent the Toilet Challenge to encourage innovators to transform sanitation systems, making them self-sustainable without relying on sewage treatment plants and the electrical grid. This initiative has led to the development of advanced modular wastewater treatment technologies. This section will highlight several solutions that produce high-quality treated water suitable for irrigation or discharge. While many innovative technologies are being developed, this module focuses on the providers currently offering separate backend solutions.

Please note that the following chapter introduces only two examples of commercially available ISO30500-compliant reinvented toilet treatment solutions as reference. However, it does not address any emergency context or associated challenges related to operation and maintenance, as well as potential operational models, as no documented experience in the emergency context is available at the time of publication of this training.
