Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS), Eawag

Author: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag)

Year: 2020

This YouTube channel for Consultancy Capacity Development (ConCaD), an initiative by Eawag, covers all aspects of Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (#CWIS) and is targeted at private sector consulting firms and individual sanitation sector professionals. The ConCaD initiative aims at building capacity to conceptualize, plan, design and supervise the implementation of inclusive urban sanitation services. The 46 ConCaD videos introduce essential CWIS components for private consultants and professionals to support their understanding of CWIS when bidding on CWIS projects. On the dedicated website, you’ll find additional training and resource materials to deepen your knowledge on any specific topic of the course. French subtitles are available for all videos.

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