Investigation into Methods of Pit Latrine Emptying - Management of Sludge Accumulation in VIP Latrines

Author: O'Riordan, M.

Year: 2009

Publisher: Water Research Commission (WRC), South Africa

The main part this report is a fairly high level introduction to the issue of faecal sludge management. Where details and information have been readily available the report goes into further depth. A large section of this report focuses on assessment of the United Nations Vacutug project in an attempt to build guidance for the development of a successful latrine exhausting system. PiD’s trail work with the UN Vacutug is detailed and an update on progress made in the development of the Gobbler is given. Other established latrine exhaustion systems are also discussed, and there is a discussion of how the waste can be transported once it is extracted. Some of the options for waste disposal are considered. The report concludes with recommendations for the research work going forward. It was prepared by University of Kwazulu-Natal, PiD consulting engineers and WRC.

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