Pintakasi - A Review of Shelter/WASH Delivery Methods in Post‐Disaster Recovery Interventions

Author: CRS

Year: 2016

Publisher: Catholic Relief Service (CRS)

Catholic Relief Services conducted an in‐depth study to assess the efficiency, effectiveness and appropriateness of the modalities for delivering shelter and WASH assistance in its Typhoon Haiyan Recovery Program. This study hopes to contribute valuable lessons learned and share best practices from the program with the shelter/WASH recovery communities of practice in the humanitarian sector as a whole.

CRS conducted 26 focus group discussions with 115 beneficiaries and 90 staff, as well as 8 key informant interviews with senior management in the municipalities of Tacloban, Palo and Samar, Philippines. The main objectives of the study were to:

  • Document decisions, implementation obstacles and risk‐mitigation strategies
  • Understand beneficiary preference
  • Provide a comparison between the cash‐transfer and direct‐build approaches

The study focused on the efficiency (time, cost, quantity/scale), effectiveness (quality, beneficiary satisfaction) and appropriateness (vulnerability, dignity) of a cash‐based approach to delivering shelter/WASH solutions, compared to in‐kind/direct‐build construction, in the context of recovery after Typhoon Haiyan.

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