WASH for Humanitarian and Developing Contexts (CAS-WASH) - SUPSI/Eawag/UNINE - Switzerland

Author: SUPSI, Eawag, UNINE

Year: 2024

Publisher: Centre for Development and Cooperation (SUPSI), Department of Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development (Eawag-Sandec), Centre for Hydrogeology and Geothermics (UNINE)

This course is designed to empower practitioners with an understanding of the fundamentals of the WASH sector, both in humanitarian and development contexts. It introduces students to the core principles of how to improve sustainable and equitable access to domestic water supply and sanitation services and hygiene behaviours.

◆ Kick-off meeting | 15.02.2024 (online)
◆ Module 1: Public health | 22 April – 28 March 2024 (online)
◆ Module 2: Environmental Sanitation | 11 April – 23 May 2024 (online)
◆ Module 3: Sustainable water supply | 30 May – 28 June 2024 (online)
◆ Practical field work | 27.09.2024 – 05.10.2024 (Mendrisio, CH)

SUPSI, Centre for Development and Cooperation, Mendrisio
Eawag-Sandec, Department of Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development, Dübendorf
UNINE, the Centre for Hydrogeology and Geothermics, Neuchâtel

Course Fee
CHF 4’500

Enrolment link

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