ABR − Constructed Wetland −Ponds- Drying beds

OCTOPUS Case Study
Implemented by: Solidarités International
17 December 2019

Description of the emergency context

About 100 000 IDPs live in Sittwe camps. They exist since 2012, when a resurgence of tensions and violence between Muslims and Buddhists groups resulted in several hundreds of deaths and the displacement of more than 140,000 people. The access to the camps are restricted by the government, and a Travel Authorization is needed to enter and exit the camps, for international staff as well as for Myanmar staff. The IDP camps are all located within the same restricted area, which includes also some existing villages from different ethnicities. It is a rural context, located on the coastal line at about 10 kilometers from the main city and on the coastal line. Hygiene promotion is carried out through Community Mobilization and behavioral change approach. Water supply is from borehole with hand pumps. Solid waste management is ongoing as well as drainages maintenance and cleaning. Oxfam and SI are the main WaSH focal agencies in Sittwe camps, working in a Consortium. DRC is in the process of ending over the WASH service provision of two camps to Save the Children.

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