Anaerobic Baffled Reactor - maturation ponds

OCTOPUS Case Study
Implemented by: Save the Children International
05 December 2019

Description of the emergency context

Pauktaw is a zone that was directly affected by the October 2012 ethnic conflict. IDPs, Host Communities and isolated villages are facing an immediate need for water, sanitation and hygiene education as well as access to health and nutrition services. This is especially important given the crowded conditions in most of these neighborhoods. Sin Thet Maw camp, in Pauktaw is supported for the WASH activities by Save the Children. In term of sanitation, around 430 latrines have been built for this camp hosting 682 households and 2523 beneficiaries. The waterproof aspect of the latrine pits implies a filling of the latrines pits. Once the pit full, create another pit and latrine is not possible for a reason of land availability. Like for the Sittwe camps, desludging of the latrines and treatment of the sludge have been considered. Community - Dimensions or area: 800,000 square feet (7.5 hectares) - Livelihood: mainly fishery - Type of shelter/house: long house shelter - HHs dimensions: average of 3.7 individuals per household - Living area of community: Sin Thet Maw IDP camp, 20° 4'4.33"N, 92°59'33.56"E, 35min boat trip from Sittwe Golden River Jetty) - Population increase/decrease forecast: 6-10% annual growth - Type of site: semi-permanent camp - Type of context: rural - Other WaSH activities implemented in the community: hygiene promotion, water treatment and distribution, drainage, solid waste management. - Local and international WaSH institutions with WaSH active role in the community and specific partnerships: only Save The Children is the WASH service provider - Main waterborne diseases: AWD

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