IFRC Aerobic Faecal Waste Treatment Unit (AFWTU)

Description of the emergency context
Currently, there are 929,606 Rohingya refugees residing in 33 congested camps that have been officially designated by the Government of Bangladesh. This population surge occurred as a result of the extreme violence outbreak in Myanmar's Rakhine State on August 25, 2017, which led to an estimated 687,000 Rohingya refugees crossing the border into Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh. The Rohingya refugees have repeatedly sought refuge in Bangladesh due to ongoing persecution. Previous significant influxes occurred following acts of violence in Rakhine State in 1978, 1992, 2012, and once again in 2016. However, the largest and most rapid refugee influx from Myanmar into Bangladesh began in August 2017. Operating within highly congested settings, such as the Rohingya camps, WASH actors face numerous challenges in implementing effective faecal sludge treatment processes that can efficiently remove pathogens. These challenges primarily stem from space limitations, which impose constraints on the inclusion of appropriate, safe, and sustainable processes for treatment.

Project Details

BOD / COD Reduction
Nutrient reduction
Pathogen reduction
Sludge reuse
Solid/liquid separation
TSS and TDS reduction


Anaerobic baffled reactor
Biogas reactor
Glass beads filter
Gravel filter
Sewer network
Unplanted drying beds

Dry toilet
Flush toilet
Handwashing Facility
Health facilities
Lined pit latrines
Lined Pit or tank connected by greywater
Pit latrines affected by groundwater infiltraton
Pour flush toilet
Public toilets
Septic tank connected by greywater
Septic tank not connected by greywater
Shallow Trench Latrine
Unlined pit latrines
Unlined pit or tanks connected by greywater
Urine diverting dry toilet


Design and Engineering Specialist
FSM specialist for design
Local NGO for operation and maintenance
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