Waste-to-Value Sanitation in Kakuma Refugee Camp

OCTOPUS Case Study
Implemented by: Sanivation
01 January 2018

Description of the emergency context

Kakuma Refugee Camp is located in Turkana County in the arid northwest of Kenya. The total camp population as at March 2019 was just under 150,000, comprising just under 30,000 households. The standard sanitation intervention there, as in most refugee camps, is a basic pit latrine. The pit latrines comprise an unlined pit up to 5m deep, a dome-shaped concrete slab, and a superstructure built from either wooden poles and corrugated metal sheet or, with a recently introduced self-build approach, mud bricks and a sheet metal roof. The pit is abandoned when full and another pit is dug within the compound. Households are instructed to reuse the concrete slabs and superstructure. The Kakuma camps has difficult ground conditions (high groundwater table, flood prone, hard rocky ground, etc).

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