Claire Papin-Stammose

WASH Advisor

Claire has been working in the development and humanitarian WASH sector for more than ten years. Her main area of expertise is the design and management of public services, mainly sanitation and water. She provides technical assistance, institutional and public policy evaluation, water law development and capacity-building services. Claire has been working mainly in Middle East and Maghreb in both emergency and development contexts. She developed the Lebanese Water Actors Platform (LEWAP) in 2016. Since 2020, she is coordinating the OCTOPUS platform which is focusing on Faecal Sludge Management in emergency. She is a member of the Global WASH Cluster Technical Working Group on Faecal Sludge Management (FSM TWiG). 

Areas of Expertise

  • Strategy Development and Project Coordination
  • Capacity Development
  • Research and Technology Development
  • Inclusive WASH
  • Reuse-Oriented Sanitation
  • Sustainability and System Strengthening
  • Faecal Sludge Management