Shirish Singh

Senior Lecturer/Researcher in Sanitation
IHE Delft Institute for Water Education

Dr. Shirish Singh is a qualified and experienced water and sanitation researcher/professional with more than 25 years of professional experience in the WASH sector, particularly in South Asia, working with academic institutions, international development organisations, private consulting firms and UN agencies in different capacities. Dr. Singh has played a key role in developing and establishing the first master’s programme in sanitation and expanding the programme in more than three dozen universities under the banner of “Global Sanitation Graduate School”. He completed several capacity building trainings on emergency sanitation/faecal sludge management (FSM) and provided advisory support for planning, design and construction of 60 m3/day capacity Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant in Rohingya Camp in Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh. He has been engaged in the urban sanitation sector piloting and demonstrating city-wide inclusive sanitation and FSM and has contributed to recognizing the importance of FSM in Nepal and Odisha, India. He has also successfully planned and implemented a number of DEWATS – decentralized wastewater management systems (mainly constructed wetlands), developed a manual on constructed wetlands for waste water treatment and contributed to the technology transfer of constructed wetlands in Pakistan. He is a member of the Global WASH Cluster Technical Working Group on Faecal Sludge Management (FSM TWiG).

Areas of Expertise

  • Strategy Development and Project Coordination
  • Sanitation Planning, Technology Selection and Decision Making
  • Design and Construction
  • Implementation
  • Capacity Development
  • Research and Technology Development
  • Sustainability and System Strengthening
  • Faecal Sludge Management