What Information Do I Need to Collect at the Beginning of an Intervention?

The answer to this question can be found in a combination of other topic sheets, depending on the situation. It is advised to conduct data collection and analysis activities as much as possible in collaboration with other (humanitarian) partners through the WASH cluster or through joint multi-sector assessments. It is also advisable to check and use already available information before starting a new data collection exercise.

A proper understanding of the context and the needs is essential for the design and implementation of impactful sanitation programs. Therefore, the first step is to conduct a Context Analysis, followed by a /rapid) Needs Assessment. To make sure that the full sanitation service chain is considered, it can be helpful to use the Shit Flow Diagram to visualise the gaps along the sanitation chain. Additionally, guidance is available on good practices during Data Collection.

Process & Good Practice

  • Conduct data collection and analysis activities as much as possible in collaboration with other (humanitarian) partners through the WASH cluster or through joint multi-sector assessments. 
  •  Always look for and use the already available information before starting a new data collection exercise. 
Marij Zwart
Netherlands Red Cross (NLRC)
Reviewer(s) / Contributor(s)

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