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The SANIHUB Community

The purpose of the SANIHUB Community is to improve the quality of humanitarian sanitation services through the enhancement of knowledge sharing, joint sector learning and collaboration among humanitarian WASH actors.

You can subscribe to the general SANIHUB mailing list to get regular updates and invitations for public digital meetings. The SANIHUB Community currently has 5 active workstreams (see list below) and you are most welcome to join to actively contribute to workstream of your interest.

SANIHUB Community Coordination
Lead: Marij Zwart
Outcomes: Quarterly digital public events are organized to disseminate lessons learned, share research outcomes, discuss project and cluster activities and provide a platform for anyone wanting to access the global humanitarian sanitation sector.
Workstream 1: Helpdesk & Expert Team
Lead: Marij Zwart
Outcomes: Coordinated helpdesk, making expertise and knowledge of interested community members (the expert group) available to support incoming helpdesk requests in an effective and timely manner.
Workstream 2: Sanitation and FSM Standards
Lead: Tineke Hooijmans
Outcomes: Validated standards through use and feedback in humanitarian context (Cox’s Bazar and Imvepi). Discussion initiated with Sphere on inclusion of standards in next Sphere handbook edition.
Workstream 3: Research
Lead: Claire Papin-Stammose
Outcomes: Steering committee for ongoing research project (FSM project funded by BHA) and ensuring the SANIHUB is used as the dissemination platform for outcomes of the research project. New proposals are based on the FSM research gaps conducted in 2022.
Workstream 4: Capacity Development
Lead: Catherine Bourgault
Outcomes: Investigate need and potential for training development
Workstream 5: Relevance and Quality of Content
Lead: Rob Gensch
Lead: Thorsten Reckerzügl
Outcomes: Create sense of ownership of the SANIHUB by practitioners. Support keeping the content of the SANIHUB relevant. Joint development of SANIHUB ‘preparedness kit’ that can be provided to all agencies at the onset of an emergency. Use of regular features like ‘best new guidelines or example of the year’.

Contact us

Would you like to join any of the current SANIHUB community workstreams or get regular updates by subscribing to our mailing list?

Would you like to provide feedback and suggestions to further improve the platform or are you aware of important practical documents, tools or resources on emergency sanitation and FSM that are currently missing and should be included?

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