Compendium of Hygiene Promotion in Emergencies

Author: Robert Gensch, Suzanne Ferron, Peta Sandison, Andrea Bindel, Arno Coerver, Letizia Cottafavi, Karine Deniel, Lorenz Ewers, Max Friedrich, Miriam Harter, Oliver Hoffmann, Alexandra Machado Soergel, Shobana Shrinivasan, Stuart Vallis

Year: 2022

Publisher: German Wash Network (GWN), International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA), Global WASH Cluster (GWC)


The Compendium of Hygiene Promotion in Emergencies is a comprehensive compilation of the most relevant and sector-reviewed hygiene promotion components, tools, methods and approaches. It draws on the latest initiatives, materials and evidence, disaggregating hygiene promotion into its functional components, clarifying terminology and providing guidance on the most appropriate solutions in a given context. It is primarily a capacity strengthening tool that provides a systematic starting point to access relevant summarised information and supports hygiene promotion planning, implementation and decision making.

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