Disaster Risk Reduction / Climate Change Adaptation. Mainstreaming Guidance
Author: Swiss NGO DRR Platform
Year: 2019
Publisher: Swiss Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Platform
Disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adapta- tion (CCA) are often not the core objective of a project, but they should be included in the planning of any humanitar- ian or development intervention by mainstreaming DRR/ CCA and considering them as cross-cutting topics. Many DRR/CCA mainstreaming tools have been developed to respond to the different needs of practitioners, specific project stages and sectors.
This guide focuses on mainstreaming DRR/CCA as a cross-cutting element in development and humanitarian aid projects and programmes. The intended target audi- ences are member organisations of the Swiss NGO DRR Platform, particularly DRR/CCA advisors, but also head- quarters desk officers, country delegates and field officers.
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