Market-Based Programming in WASH - Technical Guidance for Humanitarian Practitioners

Author: Allen, J., Brown, J., Rueck, J.

Year: 2021

Publisher: Global WASH Cluster & German WASH Network

The purpose of this publication is to provide practical guidance on market-based programming (MBP) in humanitarian WASH responses. This guidance is intended for:

  • Humanitarian WASH practitioners
  • Cash and markets practitioners
  • Humanitarian business support teams supporting WASH programmes
  • WASH Cluster/Sector coordinators

This document introduces concrete steps that can be followed and implemented in line with the key phases of the humanitarian programme management cycle:

  • Assessment
  • Response analysis
  • Programme design and implementation
  • Monitoring
  • Preparedness

Each phase is presented as an individual chapter, with a final chapter focused on coordination in relation to MBP. Coordination applies to all phases of the cycle.

This guidance is aligned with the GWC Position Paper on Cash & Markets and with the GWC Evidence Building Study on MBP for WASH. It replaces a previous version of the guidance (circulated in 2019) and additionally contributes to the GWC capacity building strategy on MBP.

The guidance is available in additional languages:




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