Technical brief | Advocacy Brief
Is Biogas a Feasible Option? Assessing Anaerobic Digestion in Humanitarian Contexts
Author: Zurbrügg, C., Robinson, D. T. and Ubbiali, S.
Year: 2024
Publisher: Eawag
Worldwide interest in renewable energy sources is growing. Anaerobic digestion (AD) with biogas production is increasing steadily as more people set up biogas plants given the inherent benefits.
However, many biogas projects have failed because a careful evaluation was not conducted at the onset of the project. Before deciding to implement biogas systems at your location, an evaluation is needed to determine if such a solution is appropriate for the specific context and conditions.
This guide is part of a package that outlines all the aspects to consider when evaluating the feasibility of anaerobic digestion for humanitarian contexts. The package includes:
1. This guide: Is biogas a feasible option? – Assessing anaerobic digestion for humanitarian contexts.
■ Introduces the basics of biogas waste treatment
■ Instructs how to conduct an assessment and evaluation of your local context in order to obtain data that can then be used in the Technology Evaluation Tool (TET-Biogas Excel)
2. Excel-based tool: Technology Evaluation Tool Biogas (TET-Biogas Excel)
■ Provides a data entry interface for key information obtained by the local assessment
■ Checks waste feedstocks suitability for biogas production
■ Provides a results dashboard with an estimation of design parameters, biogas and energy output
Target users for this guide and its accompanying TET-Biogas Excel are field-based WASH and environment staff, implementing partners and operators who want to explore the option of installing and operating biogas systems in their specific context.
Is Biogas a Feasible Option? Assessing Anaerobic Digestion in Humanitarian Contexts
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