
Operational Cholera Toolkit

Author: Action Contre la Faim (ACF)

Year: 2019

The purpose of the ACF cholera operational toolkit is to provide Standard Operating Procedures for ACF field teams to prevent, prepare for and respond to cholera outbreaks, combining both Health and WASH activities and including a component on case management strategy. 

The ACF Cholera operational toolkit is subdivided in five distinct modules:

  1. Coordination
  2.  Cholera case management
  3.  Cholera response in the community
  4.  Assessment, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
  5. Support functions (logistics, human resources, communication)

Each module includes a panel of operational factsheets that can be either strategic briefs or technical briefs (activities and tools). They include materials for decision-making process, key actions for case management and response in the community, and protocols. They summarize information on positioning, objectives, responsibilities, and cross-sectoral collaboration.

The information relates to the different phases of a cholera outbreak (before/during/after), and therefore fits into cholera preparedness and response.

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