Manual or guideline

Sampling for Faecal Sludge and Other Liquid Wastes in Emergency Settings

Author: Umwelt-Projekt- Management GmbH (UPM), Centre for Sustainable and Ecological Sanitation (CSES), University of Science & Technology Beijing (USTB), Bureau of Socioeconomic Research and Training (BSERT), Bangladesh University of Agriculture (BAU), UNHCR, Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE), WASH Sector Cox’s Bazar

Year: 2021

This publication is the result of the technical assistance provided by UPM Umwelt-Projekt-
Management GmbH (UPM) and its partners, the Centre for Sustainable and Ecological Sanitation
(CSES) of the University of Science & Technology Beijing (USTB), and the Bureau of Socioeconomic
Research and Training (BSERT) of the Bangladesh University of Agriculture (BAU) to the United Nations
High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE)
and the local WASH sector in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, in cooperation with the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation.

The goal of this technical assistance assignment was to provide support to the emergency WASH sector and local administration, regarding sanitation and faecal sludge management, with focus on
value—recovery in emergency settings, in order to sustainably improve the living conditions of displaced populations and their hosting communities. The present manual “Sampling for Faecal Sludge & Other Liquid Wastes in Emergency Settings” is a summary of the methodologies and applications tested during a liquid waste characterization study implemented by the UPM team in Cox’s Bazar between October
2018 and April 2019.

The content of this manual has been used, in particular, during two on-site trainings targeting WASH & humanitarian response professionals: 1) Training Workshop on Compliance and performance monitoring of Faecal Sludge Treatment Plants (FSTP), in October 2019 in Cox’s Bazar and 2) Faecal Sludge Sampling Training Workshop In Zahle, Lebanon in June 2019, organized in cooperation with
UNICEF Lebanon.

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