SANIHUB Community Terms of Reference

Author: Marij Zwart

Year: 2024

Publisher: SANIHUB Community

The purpose of the SANIHUB Community is to improve the quality of humanitarian sanitation services through the enhancement of knowledge sharing, joint sector learning and collaboration among humanitarian WASH actors. The SANIHUB Community also improves the quality of the SANIHUB helpdesk and the SANIHUB content. 

The Faecal Sludge Management (FSM) Technical Working Group (TWiG) of the Global WASH Cluster (GWC) was initiated in 2019 by the GWC members to improve the quality of humanitarian FSM interventions. The SANIHUB started as an initiative of the FSM TWiG in 2021 with financial support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the active involvement of various FSM TWiG members. The SANIHUB Community is now the new forum and exchange mechanism that the FSM TWiG has transitioned to.

The ToRs outline the SANIHUB Community’s scope, the structure and roles, as well as the main objectives of its various working groups.

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