Urban Sanitation and Solid Waste Management, OpenWASH
Author: Open University
Year: undated
Urban Sanitation and Solid Waste Management is one of six modules in the OpenWASH learning resources. The modules have been written by Ethiopian WASH experts with the support of teaching specialists from The Open University in the UK. This Module is designed to equip students with knowledge of the importance of sanitation, the benefits, the methods and the main challenges. It also covers the disposal of solid domestic waste and the benefits of an integrated approach to waste management.
After you have studied this Module you should be able to:
- Understand the principles of sanitation and the sanitation ladder.
- Describe the technical options for liquid waste management in urban and peri-urban settings.
- Explain the waste management hierarchy and identify opportunities to minimise solid waste production.
- Describe the complete process for both liquid and solid waste management, including collection, storage, transportation and treatment.
- Understand the role and potential of private sector engagement in solid and liquid waste management.
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