Urine Diverting Dry Toilets - Principles, Operation and Construction

Author: Samwel, M., Deegener, S.

Year: 2015

Publisher: Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF), 2nd revised edition

All over the world many communities or houses are served by de-centralized water supplies such as standpipes, wells or springs. In many places, even if a centralized water supply system is in place, the system may be regularly interrupted and/or the sewage system may be lacking. These circumstances make the selection of a safe, comfortable and environmentally friendly waterless toilet a nice alternative for many households and communities.

Urine diverting dry toilets (UDDT) don’t pollute ground or surface water nor waste drinking water by flushing; by using these specially designed toilets, human feacal matter is diverted from urine and is sanitised and recycled in a safe way. Human fecal matter and urine are considered a valuable resource which can be reused for food production or gardening.

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