WASH FIT: A Practical Guide for Improving Quality of Care Through Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Health Care Facilities. Second Edition

Author: World Health Organization (WHO)

Year: 2022

WASH FIT is a risk-based, quality improvement tool for health care facilities, covering key aspects of WASH services: water; sanitation; hand hygiene; environmental cleaning; health care waste management; and selected aspects of energy, building and facility management. 

The first edition of WASH FIT was published in 2018 and as of 2022 is in use in over 40 countries. This second edition responds to member state and user requests for more guidance and information on incorporating climate and environment and gender and equity considerations throughout each of the 5 WASH FIT steps  as well as a greater focus on sustainable, implementation and engagement with health actors. 

The approach and WASH standards are the same as those included in the first edition of WASH FIT and thus those already implementing WASH FIT can use the new package to improve existing efforts.  The Second Edition also includes a set of fact sheets, check lists, updated assessments and examples of national adoption and use of WASH FIT. The guide is accompanied by a comprehensive training manual and set of training slides.

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