
WASH Session: Faecal Sludge Management (2022)

Author: Magdalena Keplinger, Johannes Bousek (Austrian Red Cross), Kurt Saygin (Say-Ing, Germany), Anna Grieve, Paula Morcillo DeAmuedo (ARUP, UK), Robert Gensch (German Toilet Organization)

Year: 2022

Publisher: German WASH Network

Proceedings from the virtual WASH Session on Faecal Sludge Management held in November 2022, including the following 4 input presentations:

  • The Faecal Sludge Field Lab – Putting the Cart Before the Horse, Magdalena Keplinger, Johannes Bousek (Austrian Red Cross)  
  • A Rapidly Deployable Aerobic Faecal Sludge Treatment System – History and Experiences from Bangladesh to the German Ahr Valley, Kurt Saygin (Say-Ing, Germany)
  • Technical Assessment of Faecal Sludge Management in the Rohingya Response, Anna Grieve, Paula Morcillo DeAmuedo (ARUP, UK)
  • SANIHUB – The Humanitarian Sanitation Knowledge Platform, Robert Gensch (German Toilet Organization)

The German WASH Network offers regular virtual learning events on relevant WASH sector issues and trends – the so called „WASH Sessions“. In a 1-2 hour online format invited international experts will present latest learnings and shed some more light on various WASH related topics and trends with plenty of room for Q&A and joint discussions with participants. 


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