Local designs

Design Considerations for Simplified Sewer Network in Informal Settlements

Author: Umwelt-Projekt-Management GmbH (UPM), Centre for Sustainable and Ecological Sanitation (CSES), University of Science & Technology Beijing (USTB), Lebanese Appropriate Technology Association (LATA)

Year: 2021

This publication is the result of the technical assistance provided by UPM Umwelt-Projekt-Management GmbH (UPM) and its partners, the Centre for Sustainable and Ecological Sanitation (CSES) of the University of Science & Technology Beijing (USTB), and the Lebanese Appropriate Technology Association (LATA) to WASH and Emergency Grantees of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in Lebanon and in Bangladesh.

The present manual “Simplified Sewer Networks for Informal Tented Settlements” has been elaborated after implementation of on-site training on “Simplified Sewer Networks” which
was organized in June 2019 for UNICEF Lebanon and local WASH partners working with Syrian Refugees living in informal settlements and the local communities in the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon.

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