Manual or guideline

Managing Solid Waste: Sector-Specific Guidelines for the Red Cross Red Crescent

Author: Swedish Red Cross

Year: 2022

Publisher: IFRC

In emergencies, solid waste generated by both the affected population and humanitarian activities can accumulate quickly and in large amounts. Along with debris from disasters, large build-ups of unmanaged waste have clear potential impacts on health and the environment.

Solid waste management (SWM) solutions need to be adapted to the emergency context and involve all sectors across the breadth and length of a humanitarian response. Contextualised, well-coordinated SWM solutions can effectively minimise negative impacts on health and the environment while enhancing opportunities for material recovery and livelihoods support.

Why this document?

Solid waste management often ‘falls through the cracks’ in an emergency response. It is everyone’s, yet no one’s responsibility. These guidelines attempt to break down the issue into sectoral priorities and actions, with the aim of leading to stronger waste management practices, better outcomes for affected communities and improved environmental sustainability.

Multiple guidance documents on SWM already exist, including for emergency situations. However, there is an increasing demand for immediate and practical advice to sector practitioners who are not necessarily specialised in waste management.

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