5.7 Faecal Sludge Field Lab (FSFL)

The Faecal Sludge Field Laboratory (FSFL) enables on-site process and effluent quality control of faecal sludge and wastewater treatment plants. It produces results comparable to a standard laboratory but is designed to operate under field conditions (e.g. with no power supply). Equipment lists, manuals and training materials are all available as open-source resources. To find more information visit the FSFL website or email the Austrian Red Cross (fsm@redcross.at) for assistance. 

Key Actions

    • Browse through the open source FSFL website. It includes all the relevant manuals and equipment lists to help and guide decision-making.

    • Contact the Austrian Red Cross via fsm@redcross.at if you require guidance on the procurement process, are unsure which modules to procure or would simply like to get more detailed information based on field experience.

    • Go online and procure selected (or all) equipment listed or contact a trusted supplier (the contacts of suppliers who have previously delivered all the lab equipment required are available).

    • Inform yourself about the customs of the country where the FSFL will be used (ask the Austrian Red Cross about the potential traps).

    • Plan your training with the resources available (e.g. training manual) or contact the Austrian Red Cross for support.

    • Plan your data management system carefully (again, the Austrian Red Cross is happy to share experiences).

    • Plan for the safe management of (hazardous!) waste in accordance with national regulations and international standards.

    • Ensure the FSFL’s uninterrupted operation by the timely re-stocking of consumables and by training enough people on the job.

Author(s) (1)
WASH Service Center of the Austrian Red Cross
Reviewer(s) / Contributor(s) (10)
Bangladesh Red Crescent Society
Butyl Products Ltd
Elrha - Humanitarian Innovation Fund (HIF)
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Swiss Humanitarian Aid
Uganda Red Cross Society
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna

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