Evidence-Building for Cash and Markets for WASH in Emergencies
Author: Jean Christophe Barbiche and Olivia Collins, Franck Bouvet and Dana Truhlarova Cristescu
Year: 2020
Publisher: Global WASH Cluster / UNICEF
Despite the increasing use of market-based modalities in the humanitarian WASH sector, considerable barriers still exist to using them at scale. With the aim of addressing these barriers, the GWC Technical Working Group “Markets & Cash” commissioned this systematic review of practices and evidence of MBP in the WASH sector. Beside this summary of findings, the study consists of an evidence mapping and four reports on the practices in the different WASH subsectors, including sanitation as well as a report on the use of Multi-Purpose Cash for WASH outcomes.
Evidence-Building for Cash and Markets for WASH in Emergencies - Summary of Findings
Evidence-Building for Cash and Markets for WASH in Emergencies - Evidence Mapping
Practices in MBP in the Sanitation Sub-Sector
Practices in MBP in the Hygiene Sub-Sector
Practices in MBP in the Water Sub-Sector
Practice Related to the Use of Multipurpose Cash in WASH Outcomes
Recopilación de pruebas sobre las programs de transferencias monetarias y los mercados para WASH en situaciones de emergencia - Resumen the conclusiones
Données probantes relatives aux transferts monétaires et aux marchés EAH dans les situations d’urgence - Résumé des conclusions
بناء األدلة عن املساعـدة النقدية ودعـم األسواق يف قطـاع املياه والرصف الصحي والنظافة الصحية يف حاالت الطوارئ - ملخص النتائـــج
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