Topical Entry Points

Structured way of providing curated information on key sanitation and FSM topics through different thematic lenses – so called “Topic Entry Points” – with links to relevant key resources and tools.

Sanitation Project Cycle
Sanitation Project Cycle
Key sanitation related information along the entire project cycle covering all relevant topics from assessment and planning via resource planning to implementation, monitoring, evaluation and preparedness.


The process of anticipating and planning for the sanitation needs of populations at risk of…


Needs Assessment & Analysis

The process of identifying the immediate and longer-term sanitation needs of populations affected by emergencies…


Resource Mobilisation

The process of identifying, accessing, and leveraging resources that are needed to carry out sanitation-related…


Review & Evaluation

The process of systematically analysing, critically reviewing and learning from current or previous humanitarian sanitation…

Option to directly search and find available region or country specific information, resources and tools such as case studies, standards or local designs.
Capacity Development
Capacity Development
Overview of available emergency sanitation capacity development offers incl. trainings, online courses, webinars, training materials, degree-level studies and more.

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illustration of a woman in front of a question mark