Sanitation Solutions for the Humanitarian Context
Topical Entry Points
Structured way of providing curated information on key sanitation and FSM topics through different thematic lenses – so called “Topic Entry Points” – with links to relevant key resources and tools.
How to select appropriate technologies
Detailed information on how to select appropriate sanitation technologies including in-depth details on the necessary steps for technology selection, what…
Technology Overview
Systematic compilation of all relevant sanitation technologies that can potentially be implemented in different humanitarian and more longer-term transitional settings…
Technology Selection Tools
Overview of key sanitation technology selection tools, such as the "Compendium of Sanitation Technologies in Emergencies", "SaniChoice" and the "Arup/Oxfam…
Cross-Cutting Issues
Factors that have to be considered, integrated and mainstreamed in humanitarian sanitation interventions. These include, but are not limited to,…
Related Sectors
Various (sub-)sectors with linkages to sanitation where effective coordination among these sectors is critical to ensure that sanitation interventions are…
SANIHUB Community - Learning Events
Proceedings from the online events organised by the SANIHUB Community (or the previous Global WASH Cluster Technical Working Group on…
Emergency Environmental Health Forum (EEHF)
Presentations, video recordings and abstracts on latest research, evaluations and learning presented at the EEHF with a focus on humanitarian…
German WASH Network - WASH Sessions on FSM
Proceedings from the virtual "WASH Sessions" learning event series of the German WASH Network with a particular focus on sanitation…
Reinvented Toilet
In 2011, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation initiated the Reinvent the Toilet Challenge to spur the creation of new…
Disaster and Crisis Scenarios
Broad categorisation of different disaster and crisis scenarios including information how they may impact sanitations services.
Challenging Climatic Contexts
Specific climatic challenges that may pose a challenge for sanitation service provision. These include, among others, flood-prone or water scarce…
Challenging Ground Conditions
Specific conditions where implementing underground sanitation infrastructure (such as pits or septic tanks) may be difficult. These include, among others,…
SaniHub Community
Actively engage in our active workstreams, sign up to our mailing list, follow us on LinkedIn and support us in constantly improving the SANIHUB.
Common Questions
Up-to-date collection of the most frequently asked questions from humanitarian sanitation practitioners and corresponding answers with links to further resources and tools.
How to Select Appropriate Technologies along the Sanitation Value Chain for Specific Conditions?
What Is Humanitarian Sanitation and FSM? Why Is it Important?
What are the Different Sanitation Systems and How to Select the Most Appropriate System for Specific Conditions?
How Is the Platform Structured and What Are the Different Ways to Access Information?
How to Select Appropriate Emptying and Transport Technologies?
How to Plan For Inclusive Sanitation?
How to Ensure Safe Disposal and Reuse of Treated Fecal Sludge and Other Sanitation Products?
What Information Do I Need to Collect at the Beginning of an Intervention?
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